
From Lexington, Kentucky Wiki

Brucetown is a neighborhood located in Lexington, Kentucky that was established in 1865.

History[edit | edit source]

The community was formed by W. W. Bruce, who parceled and provided the land for his newly freed slaves, which had become employed by him for hemp manufacturing after the Civil War. Adjacent to Bruce's hemp factory, the land is now considered the area just north of Seventh Street. This area saw notable conflict, specifically in racial divide. Brucetown made national news in January 1878, where, following the hanging of an African-American man who was suspected to have murdered a white man, a mob formed that attacked Brucetown, killing an individual named Tom Turner in the process. Brucetown remains a prominent part of Lexington and the city's overall history. The Brucetown Neighborhood Association holds an annual festival, Brucetown day, for the public in August each year.

References[edit | edit source]